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What's your why?

When I posed this question to myself, I couldn't help but to think of those actors when they ask, "what's my motivation," when trying to get into role for a stellar performance. But while folks often find it funny; it's such a real question. Folks often say that losing weight is 80% food intake, and 20% exercise. We know that we can't out exercise a bad diet. But I'm starting to think it's more like 50% mindset; 40% food intake; and 10% exercise. It just seems that the mindset is the most important component. You have to be committed and properly motivated. I've personally never lost a pound without being committed to the process and have something that really pushed me succeed.

Every time I've dieted, I'd just made up my mind that I was ready to get it off. And there was always something I could think about to push me to make the right choices, resist temptation, and work harder. I've had that ex I wanted to get the revenge body for, and the big trip to the Bahamas. I really remember focusing on that motivation with every push forward to work harder, or resist a big cheeseburger. But now my motivation is just so general and abstract - healthier lifestyle, look nice in my clothes, etc. I just don't have the motivation to push myself when it comes to the fitness part. I've made sacrifices and I really want this, but I just need something more. I need that extra push- something to really look forward to.

I watch one of my girlfriends, who's 5 lbs within her goal weight, get up and do a workout video in the morning, get off from work and hit the gym, do spin class, go home and do jumping jacks and planks, and get 20,000 steps in a day. She makes me feel like I'm in kindergarten and she's getting a Ph.D. I really feel like a slacker with my 10,000 steps. But I know that she's going through personal issues that are motivating her. I only hope that as I start to see some change in my body, I will be compelled to work harder to continuing seeing results. But for now, I'm just left asking - What's my motivation to keep going, or on some days, to get started?

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