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I had (have) a real addiction.

My Orbera ballon was scheduled to be inserted on Wednesday December 20, 2017. That meant that on that Monday I was restricted to a soft foods diet, and on the day before the procedure, I was restricted to a clear liquids diet. By the end of the first day on soft foods, I was sure I wouldn't make it, as the cravings for carbs and junk food kicked in that night. I know that I like sweets- ice cream, cookies, chocolate, sodas, etc. But that night, two days before my procedure, was the first time it felt like a real ADDICTION as I lied in bed practically in tears thinking I'd be the first patient to ever to have to call the doctor and tell him that I had to start over again the next day because I had to have a big bowl of ice cream and cookies. It was at that very moment, two days before the balloon was even installed, that I lied in bed and realized I actually had an addiction. I also realized that it was time to break that addiction. Thank God I made it through the night without giving in. Over this last week, I've been doing much better. I haven't been having the cravings as bad. As I continue this journey, I have to realize that I'm susceptible to these types of addictions, and I have to stay away from the carbs as much as possible to avoid it. Overall, I thought it was pretty neat that I learned something so important about myself on this journey, on the very first day.

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