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Updated: Jan 24, 2018


DAY 22: Wednesday January 10, 2018

Food: grapes

So as I planned, last night I went to the ER to get some fluids and let them check out kidney functions, etc. Thank God all of my tests came back good. They did an EKG, they did blood work and checked out kidney functions. I had no problems at all. When I arrived my blood pressure was low, my heart rate was up- signs of dehydration. So they gave me fluids via IV, and I was feeling much better before I even left. I was finally released around 1:00a.m. I felt really good- mostly just knowing that I hadn't messed myself up.

I kept wondering though, why is my back hurting so bad. The doctor didn't have an answer. But I got the answer the next morning. One of the things leading up the dehydration was taking the laxatives. I'd taken laxatives about four days in a row, and still hadn't going yet. I guess the pressure had just built up, but I didn't have the fluids in me to push any thing out. Because all day long today, I've been back and forward to the bathroom with BMs. There's no cramping or pain. It feels very natural. And all the pressure in my back area is gone. I feel like just calling the doctor to let him know what the back pain was all about.

The doctor also suggested I start taking the anti- nausea/vomiting meds again. A couple days while I was already dehydrated, I threw up all the fluids I'd spent the whole day trying to get down.

So I can definitely say that last week was the toughest week for me yet. I have learned that you can't brad too quickly about how great things are going, because this thing changes daily and weekly. But either way, I'm getting closer and closer to my goals each day.

DAY 23: Thursday January 11, 2018

Food: 1/2 cup string beans; 5 strawberries

I'm feeling pretty good today. I was able to do a few much needed things around the house. The BM's are still coming very naturally and soft- no pain, cramping, etc. The nausea is under control- haven't thrown up. My biggest problem right now is trying to get enough food down to get my energy up. I'm taking two multivitamins a day and I know that's helping, but it's not enough. I really need more food for energy. Today I'm going to just try to eat more fruit- grapes and strawberries. That seems to be the easiest thing for me to eat. It's pretty warm outside so I'll probably walk around the neighborhood too, just to stretch and get a little exercise after having been down a few days.

DAY 24: Friday January 12, 2018


Yesterday I had to practically force food down, but I was able to eat a few string beans and a some strawberries. So far this morning Im boiling a few eggs and hopefully I will be able to eat them today. Also, I'm just trying to keep getting down as many fluids as possible. I'm also going to try to drink the Ensure clear today for a few extra vitamins/minerals to help with energy.

I had my first "NSV" ("none scale victory) yesterday. A colleague came by to pick up something and immediately noticed the weight loss. That's definitely motivation to keep pushing through. I know I'm going to find that right mix that'll work for me and carry me to success. I'm feeling pretty good so far today and I hope it continues because I'm speaking at an event tonight. I hope that goes well.

DAY 25: Saturday January 13, 2018


Everything is going much better now. It felt good getting out of the house last night. I hardly realized the balloon was in my stomach. This is good because It lets me know I'm ready to go back to work. I also had a couple people to tell me that they noticed the weight loss. That was pretty awesome. I also took a picture last night that showed some weight loss in my face and neck. That was definitely a small victory. Today a couple of my colleagues asked me about the fact that I hadn't been accepting any challenges. I told them that I'd been a bit ill. I said I'd be ready to roll again by Monday. So I'll get some steps in over the next couple days and I'll definitely get back on track with getting my 12,000 steps/day again within a few days.

DAY 26: Sunday January 14, 2018


Heading to the park to exercise today. It's cool outside but the inside is starting to drive me crazy.

DAY 27: Monday January 15, 2018


Tomorrow is the first real day back to work. I't been almost exactly a month and I'm definitely ready to go. I really need to start being more active and it's time to start managing my meals better. As I lose weight, it'll also be nice to slowly fit into various outfits again.

Today I haven't eaten anything all day. I still feel full from yesterday and the food just has to have time to digest. Every time I burp I taste it. I'm still taking anti-nausea meds to keep from throwing up. I just really don't want to throw up because I don't want to get dehydrated again. So I'll just take my time and eat very small portions.

Although I'm not getting in six miles/day right now again, I am making it a point to get out of the house and get some steps in. I think the tomorrow will be the day to step it up again to 12,000 steps. We'll see how that works out. As long as the weight keeps dropping, I wont complain.

DAY 28: Tuesday January 16, 2018


We are in the middle of an ice storm here in Baton Rouge, and I just got a call from the Dr's office saying they are rescheduling me to Thursday for my next follow up. I was really eager to go tomorrow, but Thursday is fine. Perhaps I'll lose another pound. But to be honest, I really want to get there to get that $

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