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Updated: Jan 5, 2018


DAY 8: Wednesday December 27, 2017

SW: 210

CW: 199

GW: 155

Total Weight Loss: 11 lbs.

Food:1/4 Cup Cottage Cheese (100c); 1/2 personal spinach flatbread pizza (250c); 1 popsicle (40c).

So now I guess I'm over the honeymoon phase of losing weight without even thinking about it and now to start preparing a real diet and exercise plan for moving forward. Today I had my one week folllow-up and was down to 199 lbs, which is 11 lbs down. I met with the doctor, the nutritionist, and the the clinical trial team. Looks like everything is on track. The doctor wrote me a prescription for a stronger dose of acid reflux medication since that's been my major issue. Other than that, all seems well.

The nutritionist gave me good ideas for developing an eating plan moving forward to the next phase. I realize that I need to slowly bring in new foods as I go rather than just trying to eat whatever I want, but in moderation. This week I'll bring in fish, shrimp, and well-cooked vegetables. I also plan to start incorporating exercise this week as soon as it stops raining.

Right now I'm setting a goal of losing 3 lbs/week. I know that's usually a stretch, but I'm guessing that with the balloon, it's doable and somewhat reasonable. I'll reassess as needed.

DAY 9: Thursday December 28, 2017

Food: 1 scrambled egg (70c); 8 shrimp scampi (340c); 1/2 cup creamed spinach (40c); 1 popsicle (40c); 12 oz. gatorade (80c)

So I woke up today feeling motivated and ready to get my day started. I jumped on the scale and noticed that my weight is still at a constant 199 lbs., where it has hovered over the last few days. So this lets me know that it's definitely time to start bringing in the exercise and probably start taking in a few more calories. So I started the day with a scrambled egg for breakfast. I need the protein to get a little bit of energy. My main two sources of exercise will be walking and biking outside, so since its still a bit too chilly to get out there, I'll be trying to stay moving in the house today. A colleague of mine encouraged me to joint their daily Fitbit challenges. I've always been an avid Fitbit user, but sort of set it aside the last few months since I got an Apple Watch. But this morning I dusted off my Fitbit, put both watches on, and joined the Daily Showdown.

I'm pretty sure I won't win, but I'll strive to start getting 10,000 steps per day again, and the added accountability is always a plus. So my goals for the day are to get at least 10,000 steps in and to try to get my caloric intake up to 700 calories with some good lean protein.

DAY 10: Friday December 29, 2017

Food: 1 scrambled egg (70c); ¾ quail (140c); 1 gatorade (80c); 1 premier protein shake (150c)

So I didn’t win the Daily Showdown yesterday among my colleagues, although I actually didn’t think I would. However, I did gain a lot from joining it. First, it certainly made me do more steps than I otherwise would’ve done, which has put me back in the “get up and move” mindset. I only got 8900 steps in yesterday- 1100 short of my goal. But since I’ve been in bed mostly the last couple of weeks, and at home on vacation, that was a significant increase in steps, and I felt it. Also, my calorie and protein intake has been low, so I just didn’t have the energy to do much more.

Secondly, I’m also glad I entered the challenged because my colleague suggested that I do the Walk Away the Pounds video, and the challenge made me actually give it a try- and I’m glad I did. I have to admit that initially I didn’t think the videos would be any type of challenge. But the videos are actually more like low impact aerobics- she brings in arms, kicks, walks, etc. They are different lengths and intensity- 1- 5 miles. I actually worked up a sweat- and so do the instructors. It felt good working and stretching my arms. Not only am I burning more calories, but it will certainly help tone up my arms. I knew that I needed to start exercising to get my metabolism going again, and it actually worked. I was definitely hungry after the workout and I could tell I was burning calories.

I liked the videos so much, I decided to make it a part of my regular morning routine. I’ll commit to doing at least a 1-hour, 3-mile walk video every morning to get my metabolism going in the morning, at least five days/week. I plan to do this on top of any exercise I will do in the evenings at least three days/week, which for now will be biking at least 15 miles/day. So my initial fitness goals I will set are as follows:

· Walk Away the Pounds Video 5 days/week

· Bike 15 miles, 3 days/week

· Burn at least 2500 calories/day

· Get in 10,000 steps/day

I will commit to these goals for at least two weeks (until January 11), and see how my results go, and reassess at that time.

Other than the exercise, my food intake was pretty good yesterday. I got in some protein, but I have to keep it lean. The shrimp scampi will definitely be an occasional treat. Over the next few days I will try to keep protein high to fuel the workouts and try to keep the carbs very low. In fact, someone in the Orbera support group mentioned yesterday that when you don’t see a change in weight, restrict carbs completely that day.

Today I will give this rule a shot, and see what happens. I have another follow-up visit next Wednesday and I’d like it to be a success so I really want to maximize my weight loss opportunities this week. I’m trying very hard to wait until Monday to weigh again to stay focused on the big picture and not be discouraged. I have a 3 lb goal for the week, and I’ll stick to that goal.

Last night I started talking with my girlfriend about vacation and travel plans for next summer after I reach my goals, and that's really helping to keep me motivated!

DAY 11: Saturday December 30, 2017

Food: 1 premier protein shake (150c); 1 cup cream of mushroom soup; 10 saltine crackers

I met most of my goals yesterday. I did the Walk video (check), got in 10,000 steps (check), burned 2900 calories (check), but only rode my bike 8 miles. I see I'm going to have to build back up to 15 miles. I should be there by Wednesday. Since I'm only biking on MWF, I might try to get the other 7 miles in today to make up for yesterday, get 12 miles on Monday, and do the 15 miles by Wednesday. I'll continue with the other video, steps, and calorie goals for today.

One of the setbacks yesterday that got me off to a slow start was the lack of energy. I knew I needed protein, but I thought I could get it naturally. At some point it dawned on me to actually drink one of the protein shakes in my pantry I'd purchased to prepare for this procedure, and I'm so glad I did. The Premier Protein shake not only gave me an amazing amount of energy, but it also tastes great. It has 30 grams of protein and 24 vitamins and minerals. This is definitely needed with the food deficit that's going on. I love these shakes so I'm definitely going to WalMart today to get plenty more of them. This will be my standard breakfast on this journey to get my mornings going, keep energy high, and reach my goals.

Last night I had a small quail for dinner. That was actually the first meat I've had since the procedure. I guess my stomach wasn't ready for it because It didn't digest it. This morning it came up around 6am. I actually didn't sleep well last night because I could feel my food right up at the top of my stomach wanting to come up. This made me realize something though- that was actually the first time I really threw up. The other two times, it was more like "spitting up," - like a baby. But this morning, it was actually a full-fledged throw up. I was actually happy it came up. I was full and very bloated. It was mostly water and fluids, because I drank so much on the bike ride, but I was definitely happy it came up.

In comparison to what I'm reading in the support group, I'm definitely not having too bad of a time. I've only thrown up a couple times in 10 days, no nausea or pain. The rest is just continuing to eat right and exercise and let the pounds come on off.

Yesterday I posted about possible food options moving forward at this link:

DAY 12: Sunday December 31, 2017

Food: 1 T tuna salad w/7 saltine crackers (160c); 5 strawberries w/whip cream; 1T tuna salad w/7 saltine crackers (160c); 1 12 oz. gatorade

Not long after I sang praises on how great the Premier Protein shakes are, I began to become concerned. After drinking the first one on Friday, I threw up for the first time. I didn't think anything of it until the same thing happened again yesterday after I had another one. The shakes were the only thing new I'd added and I wondered if they were responsible for my throwing up. So I decided that today I wouldn't have a shake to see if anything changes and so far, so good. I also posted about this in my Facebook support group and have found that several other people have the same problem. I'm not really sure what the problem is- the thickness or what. But from the time I finish drinking one of those shakes, it just sort of sits there on my stomach until it comes up. I love (and need) the energy it provides, so I"ll have to find another good shake if I can't drink that one, because I definitely want to keep exercising. I received several suggestions in the group, so I'll be trying a few different ones.

The last two nights I haven't slept very well. Last night it was partially due to the cold. I felt myself getting sicker all day yesterday. At some point I finally took an Alka Seltzer Plus and managed to stop the symptoms long enough for me to get a few hours of sleep so I could get up for church. I've been praying quite a bit since I got this balloon and praying all goes well. I'm just thankful that I had the means to do this to take control of my life back, and I'm just praying I get the results I expect.

As far as my exercise yesterday, late yesterday evening I finally got some energy and did the walk video pretty late. However, overall I didn't get the 10,000 steps or calories in. But hopefully I'll be back on track with the video, steps, and calories tomorrow. I already know I won't get the bike ride in since it'll be freezing tomorrow. So since it's the first day of the year, and I want to start the year off right, I'll just set a step goal of 12,000 steps for tomorrow to make up for not getting the bike ride in.

I'm also noticing that food sort of tastes different to me. I have cravings, but I take one bite and I don't want anymore of it. I guess in the grand scheme of things, this will be beneficial to weight loss, but I sure hate that I don't get to at least enjoy the few bites of food I get.

Its New Year's Eve. You can check out my full New Year's Eve post here:

DAY 13: Monday January 1, 2017

Food: 1 T tuna salad w/7 saltine crackers (160c); 5 strawberries with whip cream; 1 T tuna salad w/7 crackers (160c); gatorade; 1/2 of a Coke (Life) (45c)

So today is the first day of the new year and I'm excited and optimistic that I've already got a jump on my weight loss goals for this year. Although it's cold, its a beautiful day and I've already got my thermal underwear on ready to get some exercise in outside today. I'm gonna get those 12,000 steps in today between walking around the neighborhood, doing the walk video, and taking all of the Christmas decorations down inside and outside of the house.

I'm very well rested because last night I drank theraflu and was knocked out by 10pm. I woke up when the fireworks started at midnight, but turned right over afterwards and went right back to sleep. I slept very well last night. This cold is lingering on, but I won't let it get the best of me.

I'm feeling very blessed to have great family and friends all wishing me a Happy New Year. I woke up to about 15 text messages this morning. So I was very happy to be on the minds of many people as the new year came in last night. I'm hoping to be a great role model to everyone on letting them see me set this goal and accomplish it. Many of them have the same goal and hopefully I will be motivation to help them accomplish their goal too.

I worked on my vision board last night, but didn't finish it. Once I get all of my exercise goals in for the day, I plan to work on the vision board and have it ready to go on the wall before I go to sleep tonight. I want to be intentional and focused going into this year. I used to always say that you can never reach your goals, if you don't have clearly goals defined. I like clearly defined goals so I can have something to work towards.

So with that, let me get to exercising so I can maximize my time off and see some results and also have great results to show the doctor at my next appointment on Wednesday.

DAY 14: Tuesday January 2, 2017


Well today marks the end of two weeks and tomorrow I will go in for my two-week follow-up visit when I'll be weighed again. Over the last two weeks, I've definitely limited my food intake and so far I'm doing a "decent" job of getting some basic exercise in. It's not high impact, but I'm just trying to keep moving. I've had a couple of small obstacles on my exercise, including the cold I caught, the freezing weather, and that's on top of not being 100% anyway. But where there's a will there's a way.

Yesterday I set a goal of 12,000 steps and even though it was much colder outside than I thought it would be, which kept me from getting in steps in the neighborhood, I was determined to get those steps in yesterday. I said to myself that I was not going to set goals, just for the fun of it. But when I set a goal, I'm going to reach it. Those steps yesterday exemplified everything I have set my mind to do this year. Those steps represented my entire vision board. I said if I'm going to reach any of the goals I've set for this year, I've got to reach this one. It's the very first day of the year, so I knew I had to start it off right!! And I did. I also far exceeded my calorie goal for the day- getting over 3000. So yesterday was a good day.

I also completed my vision board yesterday. Its awesome and ready to be placed on the wall for motivation and focus throughout the year. I have representations of all the major categories- faith, finance, love, family, health and wellness, and even fashion.

The last two days I have not had the Premier Protein shakes, and I haven't thrown up, so now I know that was definitely the problem. Fortunately, I haven't been as drained for energy as I was the first week or so, so I haven't missed them as much. I'm still taking the multivitamin, and I guess that's doing the trick for now. But while I'm out today, I'll swing by GNC and pick up a different brand of shake to try.

Other than that, the balloon is doing okay. No sickness, but still not exactly feeling like I could run and jump without hurting myself or the balloon. But the doctor told me that it won't burst. He said I can do whatever I want to do- run, jump, ride horses, etc. I'm getting more and more comfortable each day with it. I'm sleeping pretty good. I burped all day, but I'm pretty sure that was due to drinking the Coke (Life). Other than that, I"m off to a great start this year, and can't wait to see the doctor tomorrow and check my progress.

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