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One of the things my doctor suggested to me, and that I already know from past experience, is that I might consider some sort of diet program such as Weight Watchers or Nutrisystem to improve diet success. He said that it will help to know each day what you’re going to eat and to have a plan rather than to have to try to figure out what to eat each day, which can result in poor choices and overeating. While I’ve known this from past experience, I have to say that in just the last 10 days since I got this balloon, this has been reconfirmed.

Ever since I’ve been able to tolerate foods, I’ve wondered, “what am I going to eat today.” Its been an ongoing experiment and has resulted in a trip to the grocery store every single day this week. I can’t imagine how much money I’ll eventually spend on food despite the fact that I can barely even eat anything. My shelves are already getting packed with various protein shakes, Slimfast, jello, soups, Gatorade, water, oatmeal, grits, etc. And the freezer is packed with popsicles, seafood, chicken breasts, etc. To sum it up, I'm wasting a lot of money trying to find my way.

Well, today I remembered what the doctor said and started researching meal delivery services in Baton Rouge. Several services came up and they’re really not that expensive- definitely no more than what I’m spending now. After checking out a few services, I found

This service seems very simple, and I can limit meals by calories. This will help a lot. This started me to thinking that this is not very different than Nutrisystem. They send proportioned meals and snacks as well. My biggest concern about Nutrisystem though, is that it seems as though I’d have to get three meals/day, plus snacks, which will actually require me to buy more than I’d actually want (or need) to eat. Also, because they expect you to eat all of the various meals, I think they have to sacrifice on flavor. I haven’t even tried their meals, but something makes me think the meals won’t be very good. If left unsatisfied, I’ve crave something else.

On the other hand, with the “mymanagedmeals” option, you can choose one, two, or three meals per day. I'm thinking that if I buy two of the freshly delivered local meals per day, they may be meals I’ll find tasty and fresh. Obviously I’m guessing here, but my thoughts will certainly lead me to probably give the “managed meals” a shot.

In addition to this, I also looked into Weight Watchers today. I’m not sure I’ll need that if I have set meals to eat each day. But I'm sure I’ll want to bring in other options and have flexibility, so I’d like to have an overall plan to follow. I also think I’d like the meetings for more support. I won’t make a decision this week, but within the next couple of weeks, as I continue to monitor my weight, I’ll see what changes and additions I’ll have to make for the best chance for success. But there’s one thing for sure that the doctor and staff have stresses with this balloon – it’s just a tool. It’s not the whole program. It has to be a part of an overall program. I’ve just got to figure out the right program for me.

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