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Theme for 2018: Getting Rid of the Excess to Make Room for the New

Well it's New Year's Eve. Ill spend this one at home again as I have most years in the past reflecting on the past and anticipating the best for my future. This balloon is an important component to reaching many of my goals for the upcoming year . This weight is literally like a weight holding me down and keeping me from fulfilling so many of my goals from traveling, shopping, attending certain events, dating, and overall enjoying life, and I'm ready to get it off.

Over the last few months I've spent a lot of time decluttering my surroundings. I've been in my house for over ten years and recently found that I didn't have space for anything. I didn't realize that I'd filled up all the closets, drawers, cabinets, and shelves with STUFF. Stuff that I wasn't using and didn't want. At some point, I just started throwing stuff away. I had so much STUFF. I started cleaning out the cabinets under the sinks, my master closet, the closets in the other rooms, my office, file cabinets, drawers, storage house, kitchen cabinets, pantry, etc. I have continued to go deeper and deeper, and deeper, just getting rid of stuff- stuff that was just taking up space. It has felt so good getting rid of all of this trash and finding that I have room for all the new stuff in my life. I've even been doing the same in my yard- just cleaning up and decluttering. For reason when I'm picking up this stuff, I realize I don't need it, I don't want and I have no problem tossing it in the trash.

I find that everything I've been doing over the last few months, is exemplary of what I'm

also doing with my body- I'm getting rid of the excess to make room for the new things to come. This has been a theme for my life in the latter part of 2017 and will be the theme of 2018 as I continue to drop the pounds that have been weighing me down in every way- emotionally, physically, socially, etc. Getting rid of all of this excess stuff in my life in many ways makes me feel free.

In the past, my New Year's Resolutions would be a long detailed list. I'd always write down improving myself spiritually, physically, financially, etc. Then I'd detail specific ways in which I wanted to accomplish that, e.g., "save this much each pay period." But I won't make a detailed list on this blog post of all of my goals for 2018. But I will say this, my resolution for 2018 is all about getting rid of all the things (including people) that have blocked my blessings to make room for all the wonderful things to come into my life this year. So I'll often find myself simply saying, "drop it," or "get rid of it," as I find myself debating whether I need this or that in my life- from the weight to the old text messages and pictures- GET RID OF IT!!

After I finish this blog post, I'll spend the next hour or so making a vision board. It'll be a

small vision board that I'll hang in my bathroom. I'll see it everyday, and hopefully next year this time I'll look at it and marvel at how awesome God has continued to be to me in realizing all of my goals and dreams. I want to be the very best version of myself, and admittedly, lately I have not been. I just pray that when I look back on my life next year, I can say that I'm not in the same or worse place, but that my life is better in some way - that I'm happier or more fulfilled in some way.

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