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Another great weight-loss tool.

I am fortunate enough to have been selected to participate in a clinical trial currently going on for the gastric balloon. The clinical trial is for a one-year period. It includes additional follow-up visits to monitor weight and measurements and more visits with the nutritionist. Basically, I see this as more accountability, which should result in better results.

The best part about being accepted to participate in the clinical trial is that it pays $200 for each visit if it's within the appropriate window of time. If out of window, it only pays $100 for the visit. The payment is in the form of an American Express gift card in the following amounts.

Visit 1: (1 week) $200

Visit 2: (2 weeks) $200

Visit 3: (4 weeks) $200

Visit 4: (6 weeks) $200

Visit 5: (12 weeks) $200

Visit 6: (16 weeks) $200

Visit 7: (20 weeks) $200

Visit 8: (24 weeks) $200

Visit 9: Removal (none)

Visit 10: (28 weeks) $200

Visit 11: (32 weeks) $200

Visit 12: (36 weeks) $200

Visit 13: (40 weeks) $200

Visit14: (44 weeks) $200

Visit 15: (48 weeks) $200

Visit 16: (52 weeks) $1200 (Only pays $600 if some visits missed, and data missing)

My first visit is tomorrow. I'm praying I can stay within window and make all of the appointments. If so, I can get about $4000 of the money I paid back. This shouldn't be too difficult since I don't work on Wednesdays and I plan to set all future appointments on Wednesday mornings at 10:00 AM.

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