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Updated: Dec 26, 2017


Just a few months ago, I found out about this brand new weight loss tool- the gastric balloon. According to my doctor, it's been FDA approved for use in the USA about two years. I was ecstatic to learn that there was something on the market less drastic than full surgery. I immediately knew it was for me. I'm in what many might call the "zone the uncertainty" - that's the 30- 50 lbs. overweight that everyone who is bigger thinks it's so easy to get off with proper diet and exercise. But after trying for the last couple of years, I just couldn't get it off. I was tired of failing and putting my life on hold, waiting until I met my goal. I wanted and needed help, and when I stumbled across the gastric balloon, I knew I was going to do it. Honestly, I didn't do too much research on it. I didn't want the horror stories to scare me away. I scheduled a consultation with a reputable doctor and after speaking with them for over three hours, I set a date for to have it inserted for December 20, 2017.

My baloon was inserted by Dr. Oubre of the Gastroenterology Associates in Baton Rouge. They have been around for over 40 years. I felt comfortable with him and decided to take the leap. I was honestly afraid. For some reason, I didn't think I'd wake up from the procedure. But as always when you're under anesthesia, after what felt like five minutes, they were waking me up and telling me I was done.

Here's more information on it:

I also found a few success stories on youtube:

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