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210 lbs. - AN ALL-TIME HIGH

Updated: Dec 26, 2017


The first time in my life hitting 200 lbs was the fall of 2017. I'd hovered around 190's the last year or so, but I hadn't allowed myself to get up to 200 lbs. But somewhere around September 2017 I hit 200 lbs. By then I realized I was definitely going to do the procedure within the next couple of months, so I pretty much allowed myself to eat whatever until the procedure. That resulted in gaining about another 10 lbs or so over the next couple of months until I could save up the $7500 to pay for the procedure.

For me, being 210 lbs was utter embarrassment. I just wanted to apologize to people I hadn't seen for a while for how I looked. But I didn't. I didn't mention the drastic weight gain that was at least 30-40 lbs over my normal weight that I'd carried the last few years. But I definitely knew that I'd reached that point where I had to do something drastic to make a change in my life.

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